In the meantime, explore my GitHub profile to get a sneak peek of my projects. I'll take you there in # secs.
All projects can be found on my GitHub profile. To see only HTL related projects, filter them with the "HTL" keyword.
At the age of 10 I asked myself, how do programs work?
Since I couldn't get this question out of my head, I tried to create simple Windows programs using the VisualBasic programming language.
After some time, a small collection of simple office tools was ready.
Later that year, I was ready for my first major project. Based on a few requests, I created an internet radio client.
To get a bit more advanced, I started learning about the C# programming language.
In order to create some plugins for the video game Minecraft, I digged into Java.
Using C# I started to completely recode the internet radio client. To simplify development, it has been split into two projects: RH-Utensils main for account and update management and RH-Utensils radio for the actual radio and music player functionality.
I also started my training as an electrical engineer at the HTL Weiz.
Browsers got better WebApp support through WebAssembly. Therefore, the development of the radio client was stopped and the universal music player Musicadio was born.
To realize this, I dealt with web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as with the C# Uno-Platform framework.
To be able to use e-books from Digi4School like the rest of the digital school notes, I developed Digi4School2Pdf using the ElectronJS framework.
Since the ElectronJS framework doesn't support the creation of mobile apps, I started with the Capacitor-NodeJS project, to make it possible to create a universal app for all major operating systems with just one code base using HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as NodeJS.
I also looked into the JavaScript successor Typescript to make it easier to maintain large projects.
Meanwhile, in college, I made things with Arduino, tried a bit of C++, learned about networking and PLC programming (Siemens and Automation Studio).
To take it a step further towards universal apps with only one codebase, I started writing the Capacitor-BrowserView plugin (inspired by the ElectronJS BrowserView API).
Unfortunately, I was forced to discontinue the Digi4School2Pdf project after several thousand downloads, more on the project page.
When I first heard about LaTeX in college I was impressed, but the downside is that it takes time to set things up, so I created the feature-rich LaTeX-Template project, which includes a bunch of batch and shell scripts, so you can focus on the actual writing.
I also got a taste for Python, MySQL, Firewalls, MQTT and the REST API in college.
In addition, the projects Capacitor-NodeJS and Capacitor-BrowserView became part of my diploma thesis: Cross-platform WebApp wrapper with custom NodeJS backend.
In the last class I started to work on the HTL-Weiz EMILY project. A few colleagues are responsible with me for the telemetry and visualization part of the cart. More informations are available in the repository.
Explore the Swift programming language to build macOS, iOS and iPadOS apps.
Publish the Capacitor-NodeJS & -BrowserView plugins on NPM.
Build a universal PWA (Web App) wrapper based on ElectronJS, CapacitorJS and the Capacitor-NodeJS & -BrowserView plugins.
Get my higher technical college degree in electrical engineering.
Resume development of the Musicadio project.